• Cumulative IEQ Shipped Per Year
  • Cumulative Shipments Per Year
  • Studies by Area of Research

Cumulative IEQ Shipped Per Year

The above graphic illustrates both the annual and cumulative distribution of human islets from the following programs facilitated by City of Hope’s islet distribution coordinating center: the ICR (2004 – 2009), the JDRF (2008 – 2011), the CIT (2010 – 2012), and the IIDP (2009 – present).

Cumulative Shipments Per Year

The above graphic illustrates both the annual and cumulative distribution of human islets from the following programs facilitated by City of Hope’s Islet Distribution Coordinating Center: the Islet Cell Resource program (2004-2009) and the IIDP (2009 to present) including distributions for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF – 2008 -2011) and the Clinical Islet Trial ( CIT – 2010 -2012) transplantation programs.

Studies by Research Area

During the IIDP application process for the receipt of human islets, investigators name the areas of research to which their study applies. This diagram displays the current status of IIDP islet use by designated areas of diabetes research.