Human Islet Phenotyping Program (HIPP)


Data Generated by HIPP

Screenshot of Purity and Viability gauge chart
Data from a single donor sample
Endocrine Cell Composition
Data from a single donor sample
Endocrine and Acinar Cell Composition
Data from a single donor sample

HIPP generated data include:

  • Post-Shipment Purity
  • Post-Shipment Viability
  • Hormone Content
  • Endocrine Cell Composition
  • Endocrine and Acinar Cell Composition

Parallel functional assessment of insulin and glucagon secretion from each islet preparation is coupled with information about islet morphology, purity, viability, and composition, and overlaid with deidentified donor data.

Tabular and complementary visual data are currently available to the IIDP-affiliated Islet Isolation Centers and Investigators through the IIDP-HIPP interface from the IIDP Center and Investigator websites as well as for download from the Research Data Repository (RDR).

Islet Counting, Purity, & Viability

Islet staining

HIPP Unstained islets
Unstained Islets
HIPP DTZ Stained islets dark field
DTZ Dark Field
HIPP stained images showing viability
HIPP Islets Viability Workflow

Functional Analysis

Islet perifusion

Insulin Secretion
Insulin Secretion
Glucagon Secretion
Glucagon Secretion

Histological Analysis

Islet embedding

Endocrine Cell Composition
Islet composition
Endocrine and Acinar Cell Composition
Endocrine / exocrine


Stored Samples

Purified islets RNA & protein
Acinar tissue DNA
Blocks for repository

The HIPP is managed by Dr. Marcela Brissova, also director of the Islet Procurement and Analysis Core at the Vanderbilt Diabetes Research and Training Center.